Oooops, now it's been 4 months...

I don't know how that happened...but a month went by!

Currently I don't have a lot of clarity or focus. After trying to write a post, I just can't say anything brain feels like mush.

I was thinking that I had nothing to blog about...but then I realized that I had nothing I wanted to blog about. Sometimes life happens and I either don't feel like sharing out of laziness or for the sake of privacy.

I'm comfortable being open and honest though...and maybe it'll make this post more interesting.

So, what I can say, is that this month surely had it's ups and downs. I guess every month does. With so much change happening (a loss of familiarity, change in diet and lifestyle, instability and the lack of comfort that comes with change, an inability to do things for myself because of language) I've found it almost impossible to be happy all the time. The holiday season (or lack of holiday) and personal issues with a relationship have intensified some of my negative feelings this month.

Because I'm not a negative person and after re-reading that I don't want to be a 'Debbie Downer' anymore, I'll get to the good stuff...

Good relationships are essential in life. It doesn't matter if the relationship is family, friend or lover but people need positive relationships. I have an acute ability to reflect and think critically about things...because of that most of this month, I've dealt with my troubles and sadness on my own but I quickly realized that in order to feel better, I really just needed to talk to someone. After talking to one person I felt better but decided I needed a second opinion. And then I wanted to talk to someone who had a similar experience to me. It came from alternate perspectives that I really figured out how to get over my problems and go one living life.

So I went through some real challenges this month but who even cares about my problems...the important thing to note is that I have people in my life who care about me and who are willing to help me when I'm in need. Good relationships are so important. Nobody should have to deal with life'll get the better of you.

I'm so grateful for all of the positive relationships in my life. I hope I can be an equally good friend to the people who have helped me.

I miss home, but each day here makes me a stronger person.

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